Validator 22998

Rank 99.6 % 22914
31.95836 ETH 32.0 ETH
Status Active
1 (0% )
1169 (0% )
8192 (76% )
Day +31.95836 ETH
Week -0.04164 ETH
Month -0.04164 ETH
APR -7%
Eligible since
Active since
Epoch Slot Status Time Root Hash Att. Dep. Sl. Pro/Att Ex. Graffiti
Epoch Slot Status Time Committee Incl. Slot Opt.Incl.Dist.
Period Epoch Slot Status Participation

Eth1 Deposits

This table displays the deposits made to the Eth1 deposit contract.
From Address Tx Hash Block Time Amount Valid
0xbbf05c… 0x924306… 48399 32 ETH true

Eth2 Deposits

This table displays the deposits received and processed by the beacon chain.
Epoch Slot Time Amount Withdrawal Credentials Signature
1,633 52,284 32 ETH 0x010000… 0x94f77a…
Validator History
Epoch Balance Change Att. & Prop.